Park Eun Sun – Nell’Infinito dell’Arte

Park Eun Sun with "Nell’Infinito dell’Arte"
a solo exhibition in Contini Art Gallery
Park Eun Sun - Nell'Infinito dell'Arte

The Contini Art Gallery is pleased to present “Nell’Infinito dell’Arte“, a solo exhibition by the Korean-born sculptor Park Eun Sun that takes place at the Venice location in Calle Larga XXII Marzo until April 18, 2022.

Now internationally renowned for his sculptural production, Park Eun Sun proposes works that combine his Eastern origins with an inspiration linked to the Western artistic tradition, all characterized by a deeply contemporary rendering.

This exhibition presents to the public a rich selection of works, composed of different materials and dimensions, that trace the evolution of the artist’s work, which begins with the study of the material, whether marble, granite or bronze, and ends with the creation of sculptures with sinuous and smooth geometric forms, sustained by unusual but at the same time graceful and harmonious balances.


Location: Contini Art Gallery, Venice

Schedule: until April 18, 2022

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