Poison Green

Poison Green. The artists of the Ateliers 2021-2022
at the Gallery of the Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation
Poison Green

The exhibition “Poison Green. Gli artisti degli Atelier 2021-2022” is open at the Gallery of Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa in St. Mark’s Square, the traditional exhibition event that concludes the program of studies, assigned annually to 15 deserving young artists.

Curated by Eva Comuzzi, the exhibition features the works of: Enrico Antonello, Gabriele Bortoluzzi, Clelia Cadamuro, Saruul Davaapurev, Beatrice Favaretto, Silvia Giordani, Jingyun Wang, Bogdan Koshevoy, Elisabetta Mariuzzo, Vittoria Mazzonis, Eliel David Perez Martinez, Beatrice Riva, Ilaria Simeoni, Fabiano Vicentini, Marco Zilja.

The title of the exhibition comes from a first suggestion had by the curator visiting the artists’ studios, where the predominant theme immediately appeared the landscape. The green color that connotes it has always been the spokesman of strong contradictions so as to be at the same time related to both nature and artifice, medicine and poison, the fairy and the demonic, hope and envy.

Being the symbol of nature par excellence, and becoming at the same time the symbol of the future, of eco-sustainability and salvation of the planet, “Poison Green” is therefore a spokesman for the incongruent positions that characterize the current moment, which on the one hand pushes towards a slowdown of time and a return to nature, on the other hand it carries out a silent but fierce destruction.

Website: www.bevilacqualamasa.it

Location: Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice

Schedule: until June 5, 2022

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